Bending profiles
We make a distinction between bending of the cross-section of a profile (e.g. U profile) and bending a profile longitudinally.
If a C, U or Z profile is to be bent, we can make very acute bending punches if necessary to bend the narrow profile (as shown in the illustration)
Bending profiles and special profiles
Profiles can be bent with both the horizontal bending machine and the radial bending machine. Bending profiles usually requires special tooling to achieve the bending quality required.
Send us your query with a drawing so that we can verify the feasibility of bending the profile.
Bending C profiles/U profiles/T profiles/I profiles
We make a distinction between bending of the cross-section of a profile (e.g. U profile) and bending a profile longitudinally.
If a C, U or Z profile is to be bent, we can make very acute bending punches if necessary to bend the narrow profile (as shown in the illustration)
Bending vehicle beams (chassis beams)
Profiles such as C profiles are often sawn and welded to achieve offsets in the profile (as required typically in vehicle construction). We offer you a bending solution for bending offsets along the long side of angle profiles, L, C or U profiles.
Send us your drawing so that we can verify the feasibility of bending the profile.
Bending metal cladding brackets
Typical brackets, profiles and fixing plates for cladding can be bent with the Stierli bending machine. Depending on the type of metal cladding, standard tools may be sufficient or a special tool may be required.
Bending ship’s windows
Bending of enclosed angle frames, U frames or Z frames, as required in making ship’s windows or tanks, can be achieved with Stierli special tools.